Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Me, My Guru - On anxiety and depression!



Me, My Guru - On anxiety and depression!

And then, ONLY those who do, come and ask your questions if any – not others” she said with a chuckle.

We didn’t have any option.

We could either take it or leave it.

We hated her on such occasions.

We hadn’t told her our problems yet.

We weren’t even settled in the class yet today!

And yet, she gave us “our solutions”?! How and why?

We hated her – yes we hated her more than ever!

Who wanted solutions?

We came with our problems to pour it in front of her.

We wanted her to listen to us.

We wanted her to understand our problems – not give solutions!

We wanted her pity – not solutions to our problems.

We wanted her to feel bad for us and feel sorry for us!

But she gave us a way out of our laziness and depression??!! Why?

All these years we have understood one thing for sure – if we followed her techniques, without fail we would come out of our suffering. We found solutions to our problems.


# Me My Guru stories, life style change, small change in life, life changes, life, attitudes, habits, destiny, boredom, depression, listlessness, 

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1 comment:

Kshitija said...

My relation with my mother was very sour. It was very hurting and always I had bitterness in me and what ever be the problem I used to blame my relation with my mother as cause of the problem and cry. Thanks to the reiki healings I am healed of that I no more feel she is responsible for anything in my life its my choice. Thank you reiki thank you guruji.