Friday, June 28, 2024

Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!



Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!

The Lord didn’t seem to hear his words or his emotions. He simply asked “Ok now, you tell me, how many times did you recite my name as you walked around the mountain? Did you count? How many times did you remember me or my name?”

Now the Sage Narada lost it when he heard this question “How can you be so insensitive, Lord? How do you expect me to utter your name and over and above that be aware of the number of times I uttered it while I was doing such a tough task?

Narada thought “Today the Lord Vishnu’s common sense seems to have been lost. How can he ask such stupid, insensitive questions one after the other?”

The Lord Vishnu who knew everyone’s thoughts too was aware of Narada’s thoughts too. Yet, he didn’t take Narada to task.

Instead, he addressed Narada’s question directly “So you see Narada, you couldn’t utter my name even once while performing one task. You couldn’t even remember my name once!

Whereas that farmer who has to take care of his family – with parents, brothers, sisters, wife, and children remembers me as he goes through his activities.

He is working hard in the fields all through the day. His life is not at all comfortable. He is leading a very tough life. Poverty is written all around his life. And yet, as he leads his tough life sans comforts, he utters my name without fail at the start and end of every daily activity. He just doesn’t utter it mechanically, he does it with lots of love and gratitude. He is not doing that to please anyone. He is not doing it to show it off to anyone. His ‘ego’ is not fed with the thought that he is doing sadhan. He is in sadhan and still not proud of it. In fact, he is not even aware of it. he is doing it without any expectations. He does not relate doing ‘japam’ (uttering the name continuously) with him being a good person or a great sadhak. He is detached in his sadhan. He doesn’t make a show of it to others. He does it silently – so silently that even he is not aware that he is actually in sadhan!


# me my Guru stories, Narada and Lord Vishnu, who's the greatest bhaktha of all, devotee, upanishad stories, Vedic stories, Vedic itihaasa, Land called India and its scriptures, stories from Indian Scriptures, attitude of devotion, devotion, devotee, loving God, Prayer, rituals and love, 

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