Monday, June 17, 2024

Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2


Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2

All of us or let’s say most of us worked very hard in our lives to make life good for our near and dear ones. Most of us have been coming to our guru’s place for 10 or above now. Some much more than 20 years. We all have found abundance in our lives – by way of a better standard of living, physical well-being, emotional strength and knowledge too! Yet, there was this nagging feeling of emptiness deep within us that drained our energies. We felt we had been going a long way and pretty good at it too and yet, we never seemed to have reached ‘any place’ near our satisfaction. We were moving but was it in the right direction was our question!

We felt we lacked ‘Ikigai’ – the purpose of our life! We seemed to be just drifting along with the wind. We were sad from within. We longed for some peace and happiness that seemed ‘elusive’. So, today we sought to know our POL – again!

And as always our Guru wanted to start her explanation but stopped her and asked her our question “Guruji, why is there so much emptiness within? Why and how can we be happy in our lives? We have achieved so much and yet, there is this nagging feeling of going nowhere. Please tell us where to find our happiness?”

She smiled and called Rahul. She asked him to make and serve tea. She whispered something in his ears. He smiled and went in.

In the meantime, she attended to some of her phone calls. We were busy with our chatter.

Rahul and Aziz came back with tea. They served us all.

We picked our cups and drank our tea. As we drank our tea we started exchanging our problems and pains of our lives.

Our Guru, Rahul and Aziz silently drank their tea.


# Me My Guru stories, purpose of life, ikigai, self worth, self esteem, joys of life, happiness, life, needs and purpose of life, beauty of life, abundance, 

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