Saturday, June 15, 2024

Be the right parent, not the good one!



Be the right parent, not the good one!

Leave behind some assets enough to ease their start!

But don’t leave so much that they don’t need to work at all!

Don’t crave to set ‘their lives’. Instead make them smart, strong and worthy enough to fend for themselves.

Don’t desire to make life easy for them.

Instead, give them knowledge and know-how enough to make it easier for them to face life with a smile.

Bring a smile on their faces. But also teach them to be comfortable with pain and tears!

Do not stop him for fear of falling or failure.

Instead, teach him to rise every time he falls.

Teach him that his worth is not measured by falls or failures but by his strength in facing every fall and failure.

Teach them to lead by example.

Teach them all this by living it.

Show them the joy of being successful.

But above all, teach them to be humane!

Bring them up as the future of this country!

Bring them up as the makers of tomorrow!

Be the right parent!

Your want to be a ‘good parent’ can wait!!!



# good parent and right parent, on parenting, bringing up the child, lasting impressions on children, parents, childhood, on teaching kids, 

also read 



Swati said...

Thank you so much mam for guiding us (me) on raising the kids.
It is helping me a lot and showing were all I can bring a change in their upbringing.
Thank you so much.

Rucha Sundrani said...

Thank you soo much mam
So deep the meaning is for parenting ,will start following it from today itself..