Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2



Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2

She continued “So, you see, you all picked fancy cups and all of you left the plain ones behind”

Today the cups in which tea was served were beautiful. They were of different colours and shapes.

“So, what is wrong in doing that?” asked I.

“There is nothing wrong in it. It is acceptable that you have good taste. But, what you need to understand here is something different. What is the main thing here? The cup or the tea? Are we here to drink tea or relish holding fancy cups in our hands?” our guru posed the million-dollar question!

It was then it hit us a bit. We realized something was missing here! WE missed something here!

And she continued “Well, you see, the purpose of drinking tea is dependent on the TEA and not on the cup. And yet, we valued the cup more than the tea. If it had been the tea we were hung on, then we would have selected the plain cup too!

Similarly, in life too we are more bothered about the cups rather than the tea!

The cups here represent our wealth, possessions, house, jobs, life partner and so on. However fanciful one’s were, it seemed dull in comparison to the other. What actually mattered to all was – the TEA!  Tea here was LIFE itself! That was the same for everyone. And yet, we didn’t look at life. We didn’t think or spend time in relishing tea – a.k.a. life! We were all bothered about the cup that held the ‘tea’.

Cups don’t matter!

Cups shouldn’t matter!

Realize that!

Only TEA DOES! Know that! And to relish tea is within your reach. Work on that.

Stop comparing with others.

Start living your life.

Even if you don’t find your ‘POL’ or ‘Ikigai’, you’ll still have lived life to the fullest this way!

Know what matters at the end!


# Me My Guru stories, purpose of life, ikigai, self worth, self esteem, joys of life, happiness, life, needs and purpose of life, beauty of life, abundance, 

There are many times when I didn't post the complete link.......but I am sure you would take that much of initiative to look into the complete post and benefit accordingly.......

come back as always with your understanding and observations.......

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