Sunday, August 17, 2014

Desire - it's effect


"We can put it that way too but I wanted to say what I said. I wanted to say that the journey distance, stations en route and destination would be the same for both the passengers – yet, one would cherish the journey and the other would have suffered! (Here, I am not saying that comforts can give more joy, peace and satisfaction. The journey just denotes the mental state nor the comforts. I myself have had ‘My happiest moments’ of life travelling in local train, eating on the road-side ‘bandi’ – stalls which I didn’t experience even in A/c rooms and comfortable situations because of company I kept both times!)

What I want to tell is if you are in the job because you want to better a product, service, be of use to someone then, the same desert would look romantic as to a passenger travelling in ‘Palace on Wheels’.  If I am in it for money, every challenge, person in office would look as a problem, pain and make me uncomfortable, irritable and become cause of my complain, pain and suffering like a traveler in ‘passenger train’.

“And the same eg., applied to marriage also?” asked Priya totally surprised.

It was obvious she didn’t understand it. She was more confused than clear about it.

But, it was good she asked, I realized looking at others listening attentively to Guruji’s answers.  It meant, even they had such doubts but were hesitant in asking them. Good for all I thought.


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