Friday, August 22, 2014

Desire - it's effect


“Because, previous karmas and vasanas will cloud my 3rd eye and thereby my clarity of thought, line of thought, understanding and sense of reasoning.  So do away with these vasanas. I am given so many methods in Reiki like hands-on, re-birth meditation etc. When done regularly my nature would change for better by my negative qualities being replaced with positive ones and increase my awareness and understanding capacity along with acceptance and increase eagerness to embrace the ‘right’ and letting go of ‘my ego’. So much should happen before the ‘change of attitude’ happens.  So, the journey is strenuous, painful and long and tiring.  Painful because it’s inwards and we’ve to encounter our lower nature again and again be ready to let go off it and overcome our negativity.  Long and tiring because it doesn’t happen over night, just when you thought you have to decrease one negative trait like anger, it makes it’s bounces or appearance in a situation that would prove your calculation wrong about yourself.  It’s long because, you are all alone on this journey and it’s strenuous because you are training the mind which is so subtle that you can’t see, touch yet is so powerful to wield you across it’s small finger” she smiled.

“Can you give us one simple technique or tip that would help us make this journey possible?” asked Rahul.

“Sure. It’s simple, most effective but most underused technique. 1. Don’t question and analyse the actions of others and keep proving to yourself that they are wrong ad you are right.  2. Don’t justify your actions and feelings. Just let them out of your system. For eg. We usually justify our anger, hatred towards that person by quoting his actions and inactions. Don’t.  stop that right away.  Just know that whatever be the intentions and actions of that person, you anger is bad for you.  He is controlling you when you get angry.  So, stop justifying your anger, hatred and drop it the moment you realize you are experiencing it.  That’s it.  Do it few times and then come back to me.” She said and got up to leave.

We were still lost in thoughts when she left.  It wasn’t easy.  It looked simple but I knew how difficult it was to follow.  It was my natural tendency to ‘right the wrong’ of others and had always ‘strong desire’ to punish all who were wrong.  This nature generated so much of irritation, anger and hatred in me – not to talk about frustration levels.  And I always knew my feelings were right as ‘they’ were ‘wrong’.  But, now I wasn’t to look at other’s fault. I was to constantly monitor myself and my emotions. And the moment, I felt anger I had to ‘let it go’.  That meant, I had to stop thinking, talking and even seeing other’s committing faults. She must be joking ! I thought.


1 comment:


Really nice blog. congrats.