Thursday, August 7, 2014

The desire - it's effect


Everyone wants a job (I am not talking about people who want to just ‘enjoy’ life and feel they have right over ‘enjoyments’ and that others owe them – earning and giving them objects of their desire as and  when they want! They are just human leaches!)

But, most of the people want jobs because – 1. They want name, fame, money, success, power, people to recognise them, respect et like.  And hence, they search for jobs.  No doubt, their sentence starts and ends with ‘Actually the problem is ……..’, ‘I go to office at 7/8/9 am in the morning and come back in the evening.  I don’t get free-time etc etc.’

Everyone goes to office in the morning and comes in the evening.  But no, they feel like Christ – the only one in the world carrying the cross on behalf of others.  There are 200/2000 others working with them in the office, but no, they feel they are poor souls.  No doubt, they are ‘crying, complaining and suffering’ every day of their life.  They can’t celebrate the abundance of having a job. They cry because of having a job

What a pity! And the most painful thing is they’ll suffer so all their lives.

Whereas a person who works from 8-8 daily and then fulfills other responsibilities too may be physically tired, but will be ever helpful to others, happy and look forward to giving his/her best – why he/she loves the job.


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