Thursday, August 14, 2014

Desire - it's effect


“No. it applies more to Reiki Master or any Master for that matter! One who becomes a Reiki Master to get the name, fame, money, power, respect and the name tag will further fall down in his character (most of the time) than when he started on his journey of being a Master.  His knowledge, energies, character would reflect that negative vibes only.  People may or may not see that, but it’ll bring his downfall sooner than later.   
This knowledge will become useless when calamity or bad times comes knocking at his door step!

Just as it happened with Karna.  He amassed his knowledge  a. by lying to his Guru i.e, by cheating  b. for winning over Arjuna i.e, out of rivalry.

Cheating and lying to your Guru in no form is acceptable by the Universe.Blatantly people lie to their Guru and then ask ‘I am such a good person, why an I suffering?’ Agreed Guru may not hold you cheating her/him but your Karma is more than enough to bring about your downfall.  Thinking you have cheated Guru of his money, knowledge etc you’ve outsmarted him is your stupidity.  When that karma comes back, that’s the worst time of your life and no one – I repeat, no one yes, not even God intervenes to protect you.  You are doomed!

Imagine Karna’s only fault was lying to his Guru and the reason to amass that knowledge. Otherwise, there was no dearth of hard work from his side while amassing that knowledge.  Even the knowledge learnt with sincerity if can go blank at his end time, think what it can do when it is not even absorbed properly by the student who becomes a Reiki Master/Master.

A person’s intention and every act decide his character and his aura. His intention will vibrate through his aura. He can’t hide it.  His students or others in his life may not exactly know this but they will feel something amiss in his teachings and in his presence – especially if they have met someone pure and divine.  Even if not, they’ll know something’s not right.  They may not word it or may not understand it clearly but they’ll know instinctively - for sure! You can’t fool people all the time.


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