Saturday, August 2, 2014

The beginning......


She was looking at me and smiling with a twinkle in her eyes! She was talking to me. I had come with exactly this question to her today! I didn’t want to discuss in front of others and here she was explaining it to me – unasked in front of all yet others being totally unaware of the same.

Yes, I hated this colleague of mine who was thrusting all his work on me and yet taking all the credit in office.  I felt like killing him too! I felt as if the whole world was against me…I wanted to know why this was happening and how to deal with him and here she was explaining just that………

Her voice brought me back to her explanation “But the question is not ‘why she is like that?”.  The more important question is “What are my options and my choices in this situation?”

“But, why should I ask myself such questions when she is wrong?” quizzed Priya with unsuppressed irritation. “I want to just hurt her or better – kill her – that’s all! I don’t want all this peace talk!” she concluded shaking with anger.

“Then go ahead and do it.  Why come here and ask me?” my Guru replied.

Everyone was stunned. No one expected her to say those words. No! she never talked of harming others and here she was asking this mad girl and why even me to hurt or kill the person we hated! How’s that possible? That was the question that numbed us to silence…


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