Saturday, August 16, 2014

Desire - it's effect


What she had said so many times was so true! We had to chew her words to get the juice of knowledge out of it! And that meant, “mananam”, ie., repetation of her words through our day and day’s activities and seeing if it applied here or not – every time!

I knew some masters quoting her words smarly but I often wondered why I didn’t feel the same when they uttered those words! Was it the feeling I had for her or was it anything else which was substantial?

Recently, I realized they just parroted her words but she – My Guru simply, quietly lived them! She never made an issue of it. So truly said “Action speaks louder than words…”

“But, how can a desire decide my returns? I mean, assuming I get a job just to earn money, how can it be the deciding factor of what I receive through my job – like pain, pleasure, name, fame etc.” asked Sanjay still lost in thoughts.

She smiled and answered turning to each one of us in turn as if to say – this applies to each one of you “Imagine the ‘start desire’ as the ticket you buy while embarking  on a train journey wanting to go to Udaipur if you buy a local train ticket and complain about goats, no place to stand, no water in train, train not being in time – well would any one be surprised.  But, if you want a joyful ride, buy the ticket in “Palace of Wheels” – no such complaints here!”

“Guruji, may be you wanted to say, to go to Udaipur, if you buy ticket to Timbaktoo, how can you reach Udaipur?” Rahul intervened.


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