Friday, June 21, 2024

Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2



Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2

So you see, life is not in possessions. It is in moments lived!

Are you living your moments or just chasing some ‘possessions’ all through your life? Ask yourself such questions and then draw a line.

Live life!

There are two ways to lead a life.

One is, we desire, accumulate and then work to preserve it!

The second is, we have enough to fulfill our needs and we have all the time in the world to live our dreams!

The choice is take to towards your “POL” eventually!”

What a way to teach us!

She didn’t lecture today! She made us ‘live’ our answers. We learned our lesson – for now!

We got our answers – for now!



# Me My Guru stories, purpose of life, ikigai, self worth, self esteem, joys of life, happiness, life, needs and purpose of life, beauty of life, abundance, 

Come back with your experiences with all .......

question time:

What represents the "tea" in our life?


What represents the "cup" in our lives?

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