Thursday, June 6, 2024

Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!



Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!

Sage left Vaikuntam. He felt good for the bhaktha who would be free from the Cycle of life in his 3rd life from now. How elated he would be hearing this, thought Narada.

But thinking about the other ascetic he felt bad and sad. He didn’t know how that ascetic would react.

Narada reached the first bhaktha and gave him the new “You are to get Moksha 3rd birth from now”.

Narada was sure he would jump out of joy. But the bhaktha went furious. He broke the items he used during his penance, the place, chair – just about everything.

“I’ve already wasted 50 years and the Lord doesn’t think I deserve moksha now? You think I’ll waste my future lives too in sadhan?” so saying, huffing and puffing he went towards the city to lead a life of a family man.

Narada was confused and disappointed. Now he was sure the second ascetic would raise hell when he knew the answer to his question.

Seeing Narada from a distance, the bhaktha came running towards the Sage, washed his feet, sought his blessings. He offered seating covered with soft leaves to the Sage.

He offered the Sage delicious fruits and roots to eat. He offered coconut water to drink. He fanned the Sage as he ate.


# me my guru stories, Narada and the bhaktha, vedic philosophy, Bhakthi, moksha, penance, enlightenment, freedom from the cycle of life and death, Lord Narayana, Upanishads, land called India and its philosophy, 

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