Thursday, June 13, 2024

Me, My Guru - On anxiety and depression!



Me, My Guru - On anxiety and depression!

And that’s why we mostly avoided following her techniques. It was easy that way to let our pain continue. If all our problems were gone, what would we live for? What would we have to complain about? How could we compare with others and feel sorry for ourselves? How could we justify our jealousy and suffering?

Was she so naïve as to not be able to understand this simple logic?

Today, we nay I knew and understood why we got angry when she gave us a way out!

Today, I understood why we avoided following her techniques.

Today, I understood why we took breaks in our Sadhan!

Today, I understood why we were not regular in our Sadhan!

Today, I understand all this and more and yet – I like others hated her when she saw a solution to our problems.

There was no second thought on that!




# Me My Guru stories, life style change, small change in life, life changes, life, attitudes, habits, destiny, boredom, depression, listlessness, 

also read







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