Thursday, June 27, 2024

Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!



Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!

A few hours later Narada came in sight. The Lord Vishnu waved his hand. Narada didn’t respond. He didn’t even smile at the Lord. There was tension writ all over his face. When he came near the Lord and removed the pot from over his head and placed it down, it was then that he heaved a sigh of relief!

Being mischievous as our dear Lord was, he asked “Why Narada, you didn’t wave back to me as you came in sight? Didn’t you see me? You didn’t even smile at me? I am hurt Narada!”

Narada became furious “First you give me a task as difficult as this – that is carrying a pot of water over my head. And then you put a condition that I shouldn’t spill even a drop of water. And the distance that I need to cover is around that huge mountain. How in the World do you expect me to be cheerful? Won’t my balance be compromised if I wave at you? Don’t you understand this simple logic Lord?” he was fuming as he completed his reply.

The Lord didn’t seem to hear his words or his emotions. He simply asked “Ok now, you tell me, how many times did you recite my name as you walked around the mountain? Did you count? How many times did you remember me or my name?”


# me my Guru stories, Narada and Lord Vishnu, who's the greatest bhaktha of all, devotee, upanishad stories, Vedic stories, Vedic itihaasa, Land called India and its scriptures, stories from Indian Scriptures, attitude of devotion, devotion, devotee, loving God, Prayer, rituals and love, 

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