Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!


Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!

“Guruji, how come I don’t find joy through Reiki and Sadhan as others share?” asked him, I don’t want to name.

“Guruji, how come many say Reiki has given a lot? They talk of abundance in life and yet I live in penury Why?!! Where is the difference?” asked another.

I wasn’t interested in the answer today. I was looking forward to her story, that’s all. My wait gave me a beautiful story today. Here it is –

“Narada was an ascetic who was Divine. He is considered a divine sage mind-born son of the Creator God –Brahma. So, he could travel all Worlds at will. He is a master storyteller and considered a mischief maker whose mischief ends in the well-being of all.

Once this Sage Narada decided to visit Vaikuntam – the abode place of Sri Maha Vishnu –The “The all of Existence!”

On his way, he had to cross a dense forest. This forest was the abode of so many people who were doing various forms of penance to end their cycle of existence. This is considered as “Moksha” in Vedic philosophy.


# me my guru stories, Narada and the bhaktha, vedic philosophy, Bhakthi, moksha, penance, enlightenment, freedom from the cycle of life and death, Lord Narayana, Upanishads, land called India and its philosophy, 

also read https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/01/indian-mythology-shiva-parvathi-me-my_98.html 

Why do we have pain?

How to overcome pain completely?

How to experience complete bliss for ever?

These and related questions are answered in the given link....

Homework time:

I will not give indicators or pointers to understand this entire article/posts.

You come back with your understanding.

What are the sentences that mean a lot to you?

Which sentence hit you and gave you some understanding?

Share and grow with one another.....

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