Saturday, June 22, 2024

Stories in the blog and their interpretations!


Stories in the blog and their interpretations!

Stories especially those from Vedic Itihaasa (Hindu scriptures) are told to you to drive home one point which is usually explained in the post one way or the other!

But that explanation need not be the ‘be all’ of those stories.

That is the beauty of all these stories from any scriptures. They are a treasure trove of knowledge!

Once you complete reading the post – read it once again – just the story part without the explanation given by me. Then sit in silence with the story. Or, if your life is too busy, carry the story with you with you all through the day. Ruminate (mananam) on it! Keep thinking about it. and see how you understand it. see how that understanding can be infused into your life and your personality. Come back and share with others.

Every time you come back or go back to the story, you’ll find a different perspective – that is if you’ve been in sadhan. If you've healed enough, your understanding will surely change for the better. And with that changed understanding, you’ll be able to understand the story better this time!

Every person’s understanding is subject to his level of consciousness. So be with it. be with healing. Then infuse every understanding into your life and keep growing. And as you keep applying that understanding to your life and also keep healing your attitude, the level of consciousness will shift – for the better.

This is one wonderful way to enjoy and grow on this path!

So now, how do you wish to sum up?

So, what did you get from this?

BTW, a totally routine question - does my writing all these stories help you in any way?

Do they help you in any way?

Does it show you a way out of your pain?

Does it help to navigate through your life easily?



# Me My Guru series, understanding the blog and its posts, 

also read suggested

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Blog has been my friend , guide , many a times I got many answers for my questions through the posts and stories of the blog.
many a times the same post I read after few days and my understanding is different from my previous understanding.
Some times I read the comments and go back to the stories.
I keep the tabs of the posts I love from the blog open in my system and revisit them when ever I feel low.
The blog is very helpful .
Thank you blessing us with blog because each post by it self is unique .
Each quote is by itself a new post .