Sunday, June 2, 2024

Reflections – On fear of missing out – FOMO!



Reflections – On fear of missing out – FOMO!

Take a pause! Understand what these activities mean to you!

Understand why you want to do them!

Understand your priorities correctly and then assign right place and amount of time for them accordingly.

Don’t compare with others. Their priority is not same as yours.

Always remember, you’ll always miss something or the other.

You can never have it all! NO ONE  can ever have it all!

Don’t let ‘greed’ play with your mind. That is the cause of your stress. Check that out and let it go. Breathe! You don’t need to own it all!

Let go of the “fear of missing out – FOMO”! First, become aware of the fact that we have “FOMO”. Next, accept it. Don’t justify it! Just accept it. And then, let it go!

You need to live and experience that which is within your comfort zone completely and with ease – now! 

Chase and work for only things that matter to you!

Work for things that really mean everything to you!

It’s ok to not chase some. But are you with what you are doing right now?

Only that is within your control. Only that attitude will make you stress-free. Only that practice will give you joy, happiness and calmness will descend on you eventually!

Let go of need and greed to possess al!

Let go of need and greed to do all!

Thoda hai, thode ki zaroorat hi hai…

There’s little and only little is needed……

This is the “SECRET of fulfilling life!”

(But applying it wrongly to sadhan will mess up your priority list - remember that!)



# fear of missing out, on wanting it all, going slow, mindfulness, awareness, being still, real happiness, joy, owning and possessing, abundance, insecurities, possessions, 

also read previous post 


Question time:

What did you understand from this post?

Where do you propose to use that understanding?

How will this help you in being mindful through the day?


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you very much . This post helped me to come back to my sadhan.
I was scattered and was neglecting sadhan this post brought me back to sadhan .
I wanted to share my experience of blog .
Since past few days I was feeling lost completely and directionless . I didn’t know what to do . Then I was opening the blog but closing it without reading . Then read the June sadhan and started reading FOMO . Initially was not able to understand so reread the posts then I was able to get back to self and started doing more techniques of Sadhan . Concentrating on unwanted things and worrying about them I was scattered . Thanks to the blog for bringing me back to sadhan .