Saturday, December 10, 2022

Reflections – on living the moment!


Reflections – on living the moment!

The other day, I was sky-watching. It was not the first time. Evenings are for sunsets! I love to see Sun go down. It didn’t matter how the day happened. It didn’t matter whether it was productive or not. At that moment, I didn’t sit to count my regrets and complaints about and of life! I just lived life!

Yes, just watching the Sun set gave me goose bumps – every single time! Today, it shouldn’t have been different. But my mind, well, that came into the picture today. It registered the calls of different birds. Every side of the sky that I watched had a beautiful yet different hue of colour. Each side had its beauty. Distant buildings on each side were different and that gave a new and different feel to each side. My eyes darted from one sight to other. My ears picked one sound after another – each surpassing the other in the same way. Within a few minutes, this exercise which was to be exhilarating, beautiful and peaceful became torturous. I didn’t know where or what to see and hear!

If I watched one side, my mind told me of the beauty I was missing on the other side. So it was with sounds?!

I just closed my eyes and sat down. I breathed in and out. I calmed down. Then I decided to pick just one side and enjoy it. The rest was easy!


# living in the moment, mindfulness, awareness, beingness, now and here, life is in the present, Il dolce far niente, life, present moment, 

further on this topic: 

Question time :

How many times have you regretted over a decision?

Is 'what if' a nagging question in your mind? 

If yes, sit and meditate on it. Find its source. Find its path. Find its reason. Time you outgrow it.....

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