Monday, December 5, 2022

Me, My Guru – Paravaillai Swami


Me, My Guru – Paravaillai Swami

“Of the world, but still untouched by it” is a Jeevanmukt” so saying she became silent staring into distance.

We all went into silence. No questions asked. No tea break! No talks! No nothing! Everything seemed to come to a standstill today. For how long we or no one knew.

For long we stayed that way – that much we realized later. Then silently we got up and left – physically. But, it was as if we had left ourselves in her place that day!

Some felt so for couple of days and others for few days more. But however long it was – it was something indescribable. It was not what we could go to on our own.

Even to this day, none of us knew what happened that day, to us and why? And yet it did! Not knowing what it was we knew one thing – it was the best of joys or bliss we had ever had in life.

Nothing was worth a dime when compared to that state. And yet, we lost it as simple as we got it!

To this day we savour those moments! Thanks to Paravaillai Swami!



# moksha, enlightenment, advaita philosophy, beingness, oneness, universality, vedic philosophy, paravaillai swami, monks and sadhus of India, on living a religion and philosophy,

also read suggested :

The link given is a very small post...but the feedback given by each one of you was very welcoming and heartening....your entire journey right from the first time I met each one of you and the questions you asked, statements you said and the way you have developed your clarity of thought is commendable.....

but that doesn't mean you have travelled till the finish, the journey has just started - don't let arrogance, ego come your way of growth......keep marching, keep healing, keep growing.....and as I say always, keep sharing your insights, understandings, experiences and everything that matters to you.......

Questions addressed and points taken:

  • "Let go" is a great art and the easiest of all arts worth practicing to experience life in all its abundance. We have heard it million times and yet.....
  • Not everything needs to be controlled by us. Why can't for once act and develop 'trust' in the process / life / Creator / Reiki and let things flow for once the way it does?
  • Can't we for once step aside and stop being adamant about the way we want things and people to go/behave in our life? Just for once!!
  • What are the reasons for us not letting 'let go' happen to us? Sit, meditate, know and outgrow this pain from the point of self!!!
  • Life is not painful as projected by our mind. It is beautiful for what it has to offer. 

How has this 'real life story of  a great monk' touch you?

Shall we put this understanding to good use? Just for next 4 days, let's say 'paravaillai' or 'theek hai' or 'that's ok' for just 3 THINGS /ISSUES that pop up that day....any three....others you are free to choose your response/reaction ....

Get back with your experiences......


Kshitija said...

I just have no words . Thank you so much . I had tears of joy . Thank you for trusting me , being with me and talking to me through every moment of the day . We r doing an exhibition and every time I am stressed out it’s like ur with me and the help is coming in unexpected ways . Especially children they have been the greatest gift of reiki during this times.

Kshitija said...

This post has relieved me of my anxiety and stress . Today morning as soon as I saw the post . I started using the technique paravallai and I felt huge relief from the stress and anxiety that I was going through. Thank u Mam