Sunday, December 4, 2022

Me, My Guru – Paravaillai Swami



Me, My Guru – Paravaillai Swami

Few months later, the Sarpanch’s son came to visit her. He was truly in love with her. He knew she had to lie to save him and avert the fight in the village. He was ashamed of his cowardice. He so wanted to take care of her and their child.

The girl challenged him to tell the truth in front of the whole village. She would accept him only then. He did the same. He assembled the entire village in the ashram of our Swami and spoke the truth. The entire village were ashamed of themselves. They were afraid of the curse that the village would face for insulting and hurting a great Saint like Paravaillai Swami. So, they all rushed to him seeking his forgiveness. They got the girl and the boy married there in his presence. They sought his blessings and all he said was ‘paravaillai’.

The girl, boy and the entire village knew he was ‘Jeevanmukt’. No ordinary person could be so balanced in all situations. From that day, they treated him right and with lots of tenderness, love, and care. And yet he continued saying ‘paravaillai’ ONLY for everything.

So you see when a person reaches a stage where he had won over all his vikaras (weaknesses or vices) like – anger, lust, desire, envy, jealousy, greed, fear, he becomes free from bondage as he is alive. He lives among us and lives untouched by the ups and downs of life. He remains blissful always for his body stays in this world but his consciousness is ever ‘sthir’ – still in the Divine.


# moksha, enlightenment, advaita philosophy, beingness, oneness, universality, vedic philosophy, paravaillai swami, monks and sadhus of India, on living a religion and philosophy,

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