Thursday, December 22, 2022

Clarity of thought!


Clarity of thought!

They say "A picture is worth a million words". I don't know about all pictures but this surely got my attention. It said so much in such a crisp, concise form that I couldn't help but share it with you. Save this picture and keep it ready to be seen every single day - what I couldn't achieve through so many blog posts may be achieved with this simple picture.......

Do a small exercise - Take any (at least) 3 of the major problems that you faced in your life. Take one at a time and visually go through the different phases of facing that problem.

1.How you felt when you first realised there is a problem - how did you feel then?

2.Then, when you started to see how to address it or when you started looking for solutions

3. When you finally started working on solving it.

Do for all the 3 of the issues you had taken up for this exercise.

You can take and do for 'n' no. of problems in your life that  you have already faced and overcome.

The result will always be same!

What did  you understand from this?

What is your take on this?

How is it beneficial to you from now on? 

# problems and solutions, facts of life, celebrating life, problems and our perception, seeing what is, 

Clarification with regards to Swathi's comment on 

There is no need to feel if you are commenting on the right's all about expressing your journey - so let it be....

Wherever you share your experience, understanding, insight, the way you are handling your situation, change in your stand/perception/dealing with situations and people, looking at people etc - know that place to be right....sharing is the most important thing here.....

by the way - congrats on the change of perception and benefitting thereof ......keep being aware of yourself and change to lead a tension-free and pain-free life.......benefits

previous post on similar topic : 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

I had an experience of it yesterday .
One of the student approached me for Tution and I kept postponing thinking that I cannot manage . Then yesterday the parent was insistent on joining him . I was reluctant in the mind but have taken him and then once I started teaching and interacting I felt the tutoring to be easier than every day .
After that I came and read the post . Then I have observed the 3 situation and the picture then I realised how stupid of me to imagine I can’t take . Once I started doing the things and taking up the things it was much easier to do than to live in the world of mind
Thank you reiki thank you guruji