Sunday, December 25, 2022

Reflections - Change the frequency mode!


Reflections - Change the frequency mode!

For the past month or so, I wasn’t able to play my radio. And yes, I still do use one! Instead of judging me for that, read further and be with what I am here to tell you.

My radio, despite me using all my patience and time on it, was playing some ‘random station’ that didn’t ring to me. I kept trying at a different times of the day – the same result. Today was no different. I was set to clean – yes do my daily task of cleaning and I needed my radio for that! And yet, it didn’t respond right! It came up with all noises – none pleasing to my ears. I just left it deciding to go ahead with cleaning without having the radio at my side – for once!

And it was then that a family member came over. That member asked me “What’s the matter with you? Why are you struggling with this for so long?”

I simply replied “It isn’t listening to me”

The family member too tried tuning it and then suddenly turned it over and changed a small switch at the back of that radio, handed me the radio, and left.

It started playing my stations!!!


# being in tune with the Nature, logging on to higher frequency, being spiritual, easing life, 

read previous post to further knowing on this topic :

Sometimes, the jolt from life and Nature get us back to ourselves. That way, the bad times are the GOOD TIMES! But the wise don't wait till the end to know the meaning of life. They understand it while still having time and then live life as if it means nothing to them! What a paradox! And in that paradox is the essence of spirituality and the beauty of life. To celebrate and enjoy life we need to cross over this paradox. with with so much of power, knowledge and bhakthi, even Ravana was taken into the fold of maya. Imagine, how much more we need to be aware and alert to overcome these dualities of life and death!!!

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