Friday, December 16, 2022

Spring cleaning - 2022


Spring cleaning - 2022

This is "Dhanurmasam" - month so special to Lord Vishnu {of Vedic philosophy......} 

Let's do some spring cleaning......

Every day, starting today, let's start to clean our houses - little a day....

It can be any part of the house you choose to clean....

Some of you have maids/helps that do all this menial work. Yet, your wardrobe is cleaned/arranged only by you, isn't it? so you can do that or even cleaning or decluttering your purses/files also would be counted for this exercise....

Others, let's clean up the entire house in the next 7 days. Those who have hectic schedule, you can continue for few more days as you please....just clean every day - that is the rule........

It can be dusting, sorting, cleaning just about anything ......

If there is any doubt, please verify by asking questions - don't sit back because of doubts......

and every day, after cleaning up, just mention the same in the need not even tell how much you have cleaned or how much time you spent - even just "I cleaned today" also is welcome...

also read previous post for further clarification on cleaning : any questions or comments/feedback on this link also welcome....

hope the link gives you tips on cleaning the easy way too.....


Kshitija said...

I cleaned today

Kshitija said...

I cleaned today

Aarthi said...

I cleaned tyd mamm

Aparna Deshpande said...

We dan group work today cleaned the house 🏠🏡🏠 after that we feel good 😊 thankyou for this opportunity

Swati said...

Read the blog today.
Yesterday had cleaned fridge.

Kshitija said...

Today me and my friends have done the cleaning together. We felt very beautiful after the cleaning . It was light and peaceful. This my first experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it .Thank you reiki Thank you guruji

Kshitija said...

I cleaned today
One observation yesterday when I cleaned with my group of friends I have noticed that lot of cleaning has completed in my house . We were energetic inspite of cleaning more. The cleaning was fun

Kshitija said...

I cleaned today

Kshitija said...

I cleaned today

Kshitija said...

I cleaned today

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the task.
I have cleaned most of my house shelves .
I have arranged the kitchen utilities the way I wanted so that I may use them easily .
I feel some of the inner dust in me has cleared too.
It’s become a technique of healing* for me .
Thank you reiki thank you guruji