Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Time to wrap up 2022


Time to wrap up 2022

The New year is just round the corner........

The year 2022 is coming to an end.....

Let's do our little ritual, let's go through our tradition. 

Let's bid goodbye to 2022 by recollecting all that it had given us. And by recollecting we will know exactly how much this year has enriched us! Then we can bid it goodbye with lots of gratitude and love...

That way we'll be able to receive 2023 with open arms and with heart filled with gratitude, hope, joy and love.......

Let's sit to meditate and know -

  • what goodies this year has given us
  • how it has strengthened us
  • where it has tested us
  • how many wow moments we have collected in our 'Time Bank'
  • What we expected it to be and what it turned out to be
  • How it fared vis-a-viz our expectations
  • how it has enriched us
  • which dreams of ours came true
  • which challenges did we overcome
  • who are the people we said goodbye for good
  • how it has changed us for better
  • How do you define "I" before 2022 and after 2022
  • Any other areas you want to cover......

# new year, bidding old year and welcoming new year, evaluating the year gone by, knowing and seeing the past to work out the plan for future, 

suggested old post worth visiting on this topic:https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=year 

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