Monday, December 26, 2022

Reflections - Change the frequency mode!


Reflections - Change the frequency mode!

Reason – somehow, the bandwidth has changed from FM to MW, which was indicated by that ‘switch’ at the back of that radio!

So, what does this incident teach me?

Many times, we try to tune in to a certain frequency knowing where the bandwidth is and what to expect from that frequency. But, sometimes, the switch has happened and we still expect things to go in the same way. It can’t and it won’t! but, we want the radio to play our programme. Then, the only way to do that is to make that ‘switch change’.

Like in the radio, this change may not be physically evident and clear to each of us. So, it is difficult for most to know that the switch has happened.

Then, how do we know that?

Simply! Look for the symptoms. Just like that radio – it didn’t play the usual stations. Then, it came up with odd and different stations. Later, I didn’t feel comfortable holding it even.


# being in tune with the Nature, logging on to higher frequency, being spiritual, easing life, 

read previous post to further knowing on this topic : 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you . I got my answer