Thursday, December 29, 2022

Me, my guru – on choosing love over hate!


Me, my guru – on choosing love over hate!

Today our Guru didn’t tell a story from any Epic. She didn’t tell the story from any other source. The story that she chose to share with us was from the book of life. Yes, she shared a real-life story with us. Maybe, that’s why it resonated with us today. Maybe, most of us couldn’t or won’t apply it right away. And yet, we would carry this tale for quite some time to come.

It was a very simple story of a simple sadhak. Because it was lived by someone just like us we could relate to it. As his strategy worked for him, we had the motivation enough to follow in his footsteps. In some city in India lived two brothers who were doing business together. Time flew and in just 20-25years they had a huge business. Their children also became involved in the business. At that time, the elder brother and children robbed the younger brother and his children of their share.

The younger brother (the hero of our story) was left penniless and on the roads. Now, this hero of ours had a Guru whom he respected a lot. He went to her and vented out his anger, and disappointments. He and his children wanted his Guru to give permission to file a case against his older brother. This though was purely his children’s wish. But our hero never did anything without seeking his Guru’s permission.


# on living relationships, on love, on giving and receiving, you are where you are because of how you choose, on choosing right everytime, making choices, forgiveness, moving on, building over destruction,

previous post suggested reading to further understanding on this topic : 

Post pointers:

"But our hero never did anything without seeking his Guru’s permission." - Read these lines at the end of the topic again!!!

The hero's fate to a large extent depends on this sentence. When we are disturbed, heart broken, agitated or angry whatever be our decision, it is wrong. Blessed are the few who have worked on themselves enough to be calm and composed enough to take the right step even in such dire circumstances. Others are not!

We are ruled by our emotions and feelings. And that is the reason we end up taking all the wrong decisions and choices. Here, our hero simply followed a golden rule "Never to do anything that his Guru doesn't permit" Simple! This would be a ramaraksha to every one and any one who follows it.

Now, does this sentence mean 'literally'??? NO! It just means, you accept someone as your guide, mentor, teacher and seek their counsel before taking any major decisions in life. It can be your parent, spouse, friend or scriptures like Ramayana, Geetha and so on....

Then you can never go wrong...

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