Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Reflections - Change the frequency mode!



Reflections - Change the frequency mode!

Similar is the case in our life. Our actions don’t produce the results that we seek or work for. That is the first giveaway that our ‘frequency’ is not on par with our agenda. Then, our body comes up with various imbalances which we term as diseases or malfunctions. That is your second clue! Then, we are ever so restless, uncomfortable, stressed, weak, lonely and frightened. These signs say we are playing at ‘MW’. If and only if we are aligned to ‘FM’, we will get the stations and fun we seek. And that alignment is what we seek through our various healing techniques.

Get in alignment and then the clarity is mind-blowing. Understand that! Know that and work for that! And then seek only that! The rest will follow automatically.

Keep healing and keep working on aligning with the FM of the Universe!



# being in tune with the Nature, logging on to higher frequency, being spiritual, easing life, 

read previous post to further knowing on this topic : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Few+FAQs+with+Guru 

Question time :

What are the insights, understanding, perspective you got from this post?

How would you apply it in your life?

Was this post and the links given useful to you?




1 comment:

Swati said...

Last 2-3 months were so so peaceful. Sadhan was not much because of the chores and kids.
Last week I went to meet my mother in law, things changed suddenly. There was energy clash. N last 2 days i could feel so much unrest in me
With minimum healing I was feel so much at peace and things were fine suddenly why did that shift happen. Trying to tune in back.
Everytime I meet her everything changes