Saturday, December 17, 2022

Me, my Guru – Full moon and the monk!



Me, my Guru – Full moon and the monk!

When we were restless she took her sweet time in coming – or so we felt! Today she was late. And we couldn’t wait.
(Is this our case too and quite often too? are we demanding and expecting others in our life to be available to our needs at all times? Check this for once. Question it. Look into it. Are we dumping our demands as anger on others? Do you really think anger is justified? Is anger ever justified? Then, can we complain that our relationships are going sour every time? Think about it!)

We didn’t give her time even to settle too. We blurted our complaints full of anger “Guruji, you always ask us to forgive those who don’t help us – though they are supposed to “

“Yes Guruji, you ask us to look for others and yet ask us to ‘let go’ when they don’t reach out to stand by us, support us or help us”

“If we keep forgiving them, when will they learn their lesson Guruji?”

Each one asked these questions from his end. Each of us has been betrayed by near and dear. We have been wronged. We have suffered rejection and we had to fend for ourselves. And today, our anger, frustrations, and disappointments were expressed. They won over her teachings.

Not only were we angry at people who didn’t help us, we were also angry at her - our Guru for not understanding our pain. And over and above that, she was hell-bent on getting them ‘forgiveness’ - was she our Guru or theirs?


# Me, my guru, Full moon and the monk, Enlightenment, story about realization, just being, beingness, awareness, mindfulness, present in the moment, realisation, moksha, freedom, everything happens for good, situation is neither good nor bad,

read previous posts to know further on this topic: 

What are the topics covered in this post:

  • It is the story of a monk who gets Enlightened on the full moon night. This is set in Me, my Guru format.
  • This story clearly explains how one gets enlightened, moksha, realized, free from all karma.
  • We realize how our karmas are completely burned..
  • We are explained how no situation is independently good or bad. This also explains how every situation can be made beneficial if only we have the presence of mind, and calmness of mind and if and only if we let go of our adamant nature of wanting things to go our way and instead flow with the flow of life.
  • Life pushes us and leads us to our greatest good. We with our adamant nature and conditioned mind throw it away and demand lesser-known goodies that are actually painful and harmful for us.
  • The fools work to heal the situation and suffer the situation. The sensible are those who accept the situation and make the best of any situation. This they get by working on their mind, emotions, and intellect every single day of their life. They are working on themselves instead of working on the situations.

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Thanks for each and every technik and sadhana that you geve us. who will do the work they will get the benefits thank you so much for you are always welcoming us ma'am