Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Me, my Guru – on perception



Me, my Guru – on perception

Bhishma smiled, turned to Duryodhana, and said “You see; you couldn’t find even one good person in our kingdom whereas Yudhishtra couldn’t find even one bad person in the same kingdom. This is the quality required of a leader. Each person will have some weaknesses. But a leader is one who can see the good or some capability in him and put that to good use. That way, every person can be utilised for some good in him for the benefit of the kingdom. That way our kingdom will prosper.” Duryodhana went away angrily.

So you see, leader is one who can see good in all. This doesn’t apply to leader or a Guru, it applies to each one of us. The more I train to see and appreciate the good in others, the more the divine in me strengthened. That is the ‘psychic impression’ called samskaras that we carry over the janmas. That in turn decides the quality of our life. That is how destiny is formed. The asura in me will see ‘flaws’ in Lord Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus or even Mother Theresa. Now what to say of people in my life. This being the case, how can one expect ‘good relationships’ in ones’ life? It’s not that such people don’t get to have friends or family. No! everyone has. It’s just that such nature will attract similar mentality people/person in my life.


# on perception, point of view, seeing good in others, Buddha and buddhu, you are what you see, outer world reflection of inner world

also read previous post on this topic for added clarity: 


Points to ponder:

  • We all want others to respect us, listen to us, follow us. We want to have power and position to lead others.
  • But the qualities that are required to do so, we royally lack and don't care to develop.
  • The qualities of a leader or Guru are not rocket-science. They are simple and told umpteen times before. But following them, developing them SEEMS herculean task not by way of its implementation but because we don't want to develop those qualities. Why? That why each one of you should find it out for yourself.
  • Some of you may say "But, I don't want to maam" fair enough - just stop complaining that everyone is taking you for granted. You can't cry that you are not given a position of respect and power. You can't seek the perks of being a leader or a Guru - remember that!

Time for Homework:

Pick up any one quality that you don't want to develop /overcome - say laziness, indiscipline, punctuality, regularity, participation in group activities - and so on and so forth. Meditate on it and get back with your responses if you please. Even if you don't want to put it up in blog, still do the exercise and jot it down in your journal.....
No need to do any follow up action on these qualities. Just meditate and write it down. It may take couple of weeks for some to understand the reason behind even one quality - no problem...just do it...
Sit in meditation just 15mts per day. The day you start getting answers start writing it down.


Aparna Deshpande said...

Happy to inform you ma'am that
We started japa for Datta jayanti.
25 malas of Om Shri guru bhayo namaha, 25 malas of Digambara Digambara Shri Pada Vallabh Digambara.
And 35 malas of Shri Swamy samarth Jay jay Swamy samarth ,
We completed this sadhana easily thank you so much .
With lots of love and gratitude 🙏❤️🙋🏻‍♀️🪷🪷🪷

V Sridhar said...

Celebrated Datta Jayanti chanting 18 malas "Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha"... 2 Malas "Digambara.. Digambara"... & 2 malas Mritunjay Mantra..
Love & Gratitude ❤️ 🙏