Wednesday, December 28, 2022

On capacity of mind!


On capacity of mind!

The human mind is so powerful - It can invent, create, experience and destroy things with just mind!

We can go from happy to depressive state of mind in a second.

We can create a healthy atmosphere even in the midst of penury.

We can destroy good health, relationships and life just with a thought.

We can experience hell and heaven right here, thanks to mind. 

We can send away those who wish good for us with our logical mind??!!

The greatest tool of this Universe and put to what use?

Are we using it right?

Look at the results and situations in our life - if it is painful, we are not using it right.

If we are joy unto ourselves and to others, then we are using our mind right.

IF the mind is going haywire, then as a Reiki channel you have so many techniques to overcome it. Instead, if we end up finding flaw in the outside world, then it just means our 'centre and balance' is compromised. The fault is not in the outside world - know that! and Work on that to come back to balance...

Sometimes, you can even heal the situation even before it comes. We have intention healing and other such techniques that help us to make our journey and life easy. Instead, we don't put those knowledge to good use and then keep complaining about life and people. Take charge of your life. Start healing even before an event!

Keep healing and keep being balanced!

also visit previous post :

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