Friday, December 16, 2022

Me, my Guru – Full moon and the monk!


Me, my Guru – Full moon and the monk!

Today, most of us were either angry or depressed. The air was heavy with these emotions. We didn’t like these emotions. We weren’t comfortable experiencing them. And so, we hated the person* who was responsible for the emotions. We had so many questions to ask her. Some of us feared her answers. She would say forgive, let go, or some similar bull shit. We listened to her talk but couldn’t take it. She never seemed to understand our pain and suffering.

But again, we had no choice! However much we hated her response and answers, we ended up at her place with further questions. We did not agree with her stance and her suggestions on the way to handle our life and the people in it, yet we continued going to her***

*{ Having a Guru or taking someone for a Guru doesn’t mean you agree with everything he says. It also doesn’t mean you have to follow all the suggestions made. It certainly doesn’t mean that you should live up to his words. 

You don’t have to and you need not followdoesn’t mean the Guru or Dharm is at fault. It simply means that Dharm is ultimate and you can apply only as per your level of consciousness. So, at a given point in time, you may fail in accepting or seeing the Guru’s advice or point of view. Here I meant “That is ok”. But, not being able to follow can’t justify your doing as right – though – remember that! Because of  your inability to follow "the Guru or his words" it is said to be ok for the moment ONLY!}

***{Here, I am taking into account the assumption that the person called ‘Guru’ lives his teachings and follows Dharm at all times. Maybe he fails sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he would change Dharm as per his convenience. He states the same Dharm at all times and to all people including himself! Guru is ONLY HIM who knows what dharm is. Anyone who has degree to teach doesn’t become a Guru though people would love to be called so and there will be greedy people who will call them so?!}


# Me, my guru, Full moon and the monk, Enlightenment, story about realization, just being, beingness, awareness, mindfulness, present in the moment, realisation, moksha, freedom, everything happens for good, the situation is neither good nor bad,

read previous posts to know further on this topic:

What are the topics covered in this post:

  • It is the story of a monk who gets Enlightened on the full moon night. This is set in Me, my Guru format.
  • This story clearly explains how one gets enlightened, moksha, realized, free from all karma.
  • We realize how our karmas are completely burned..
  • We are explained how no situation is independently good or bad. This also explains how every situation can be made beneficial if only we have the presence of mind, and calmness of mind and if and only if we let go of our adamant nature of wanting things to go our way and instead flow with the flow of life.
  • Life pushes us and leads us to our greatest good. We with our adamant nature and conditioned mind throw it away and demand lesser-known goodies that are actually painful and harmful for us.
  • The fools work to heal the situation and suffer the situation. The sensible are those who accept the situation and make the best of any situation. This they get by working on their mind, emotions, and intellect every single day of their life. They are working on themselves instead of working on the situations.

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

I like that fool's work to heal the situation and suffer. sensible are those who accept the situation and make the best of any situation they get by working on themselves instead of working on the situation thank you 🙏🙋🏻‍♀️❤️