Friday, December 9, 2022

Me, my Guru – on perception



Me, my Guru – on perception

One enjoys that which he has. The other complaints about everything that he has.

It is just not a small habit. It is a lifestyle we are choosing. It is the way we are charting our destiny. It is the way; we are painting our future “You are a writer of your fate”.

Write right every single time!

These small acts and choices will decide the tilt towards your pain or pleasure.

Don’t come to me and ask “but, why is it happening to me maam?” on a later date.

Initially, it is tough to make the change. But sadhan, sadhan and more sadhan.

Make a conscious decision to develop Rama within. Choose to express ‘divinity’ which is within you. To let it express, be aware of your words, thoughts and feelings. Be alert enough to catch them.

Every time you catch yourself titling towards ‘asuric nature’ use the required technique and develop the ‘divine nature’. Develop it. It is an everyday practice. Muscles are not built over night. Similarly, the way the mind thinks and feels has to be developed with practice and patience. We have all the time in the World. Put it to good use.

And the good news is no need to go anywhere to develop ‘Rama’ within you. Just use everyday situations to do this sadhan.

Being ‘Vedantic’ is to do this. Just saying ‘Jai Ram’ doesn’t make you a ‘Hindu’. The real Bhakta is one who lets ‘Rama’ within express himself. Blessed are all who listen to such calls and wake up. Blessed also are those who just listen. But, more blessed are the ones who have decided to establish ‘Rama’ in their consciousness – Jai Siya Ram!!!



# on perception, point of view, seeing good in others, Buddha and buddhu, you are what you see, outer world reflection of inner world

also read the previous post on this topic for added clarity:  


{Points to be understood and questions addressed}

  • Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
  • Now everyone is talking about World coming to an End, pollution, End times etc etc.....all that is a reflection of the quality of human character in general....sum total of all the attitudes of the human race is reflected as outer chaos....
  • If we love our kids and want our 'vansh' - lineage to continue we have but one way to do that - make a huge change within each one of us....we want to change the world and save the looks like an impossible task what we politicians and people in power not seeing so....but if that can be achieved by millions of 'ordinary persons' making a change within, then is it not a 'possible dream?'
  • Make change happen - however small it may - but make small changes happen within and see your life and the quality of life in this entire World change for the better.....
  • But make reasons for being what you are justifying it with illogical reasoning then we need to see the worst times to other people other than adamant nature - the one not wanting to change is the cause of our pain and suffering to come - Covid was just a teaser - the best of such ones are yet to come....wake up, make a change or suffer - the choice is ours to make.....

Food for thought:
Those who think that our thoughts are impacting the Global Warming, Globally in every way instead of beating ourselves up, let's do something constructive for a change....
Let's do Earth healing for next one week to come.....
come back with  your experiences, observations and suggestions....


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