Sunday, March 15, 2015

we shall overcome....


We are addicted to pain, suffering and ignorance. We now know that we are addicted. Will we not want to be de-addicted?

Yes, of course! Out of ignorance we got addicted to this but now that we know this addiction is cause of our de-addiction camp. Yes we will? And who ever told you that de-addiction camp is a jolly place to be and that de-addiction is going to be easy and fun? No my dear, if someone said that, know him to be liar or a madman. But, if we are afraid of pain that we have to suffer during this period, how can we come out of this clean? Anytime you decide to come out, this is the only way. So, it’s better now than later when it would be more painful. Good news is at the end you’ll feel liberated and totally in control of yourself and yourself. And you owe this to yourself. Not because it is spiritual or ethical. But simply because it’s beneficial for you. Because it’s life-saving for you and above all you deserve it. It’s your birth right then who do you not want to claim it? No freedom was won without few sacrifices. Here, we have to sacrifice our fear, stupidity and age old belief systems, tastes and likes and dislikes. Is it not a small price for such a freedom? Think about it.

There are so many of us treading this path. Some is making progress faster than others. But this journey never set time-frame. That’s the best part of this journey. We can set our own pace. Yes, slip we will may be thousand times but so what we will get thousand times and still make an effort towards reclaiming our Divinity. Let that be our only long term goal.

En route may be we can encourage our fellow-travelers when they are tired, doubtful or simply lazy to take next step. By holding each others hand we will not reduce our speed – infact we’ll make this a memorable and joyful one! At every point, I am waiting for you shouting for you, cheering you. So get up and walk. May this song remind that spirit ....we shall overcome....

During this period it’s but natural that we are not in a position to take any concrete decision and to live up to it. Experience guilt, shame, pain and cry as much as you want. Don’t feel ashamed of these tears. They’ll cleanse you and your soul and having crossed this point, tomorrow you’ll not be able to cry like this again. So, live this experience in toto so that you can move on. I am not joking, I am serious. This is a fact.


1 comment:

Aarthi said...

wooo,awsome mam,correct time ki correct post always.( for myself).