Thursday, March 12, 2015

what does desire stand for?


Case B : when we usually desire, want something it usually is never for the thing. Confused? Actually it is for what the thing (as we suppose) stands for.

If I want a house, why do I want it? Do I want it for itself? No. Because, house represents security and success. It makes a statement that ‘we have arrived’. But unfortunately on the day of ‘Gruha pravesham’ (house –warming ceremony) when others question us as to the cost of house and where we applied for loan etc, it hits us that we need to squeeze EMI for such long period (now don’t say, yes, my suffering is because others asked those questions. Even without their questions you suffer every month when you pay your EMI). We start complaining and undergoing stress with the rise in interest rates and ask ‘why me?’, ‘why can’t I be ever happy?’. But we never want to accept the basis of all of these is ‘the desire to own a house’. Our desire basically bought us here! And we curse our fate and complain about God and reiki.

So should we never have a desire?

Should we all become sanyasi’s (monk)?

Should we never buy a house?

I didn’t mean that. I am just saying that since I have a desire to own a house. I should be ready to pay a price for it. “There’s nothing as free lunch”. Once you accept this, you’ll not suffer paying EMI, working to meet demands of your desires, you’ll not suffer responsibilities and you can be happy after purchasing a house or getting married. But thinking you’ll be secure settled and happy after purchase of a house and getting married is wrong. That’s all! I hope I am clear till here!

The same thing applies to marriage. When we say we love someone, we love the idea and belief (often times) that we’ll be happy, secure and taken care of by the other’. We don’t love the person for what he/she is for!

“No husband loves his wife for her sake….” Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

That’s why after getting married, when that need is not fulfilled we feel cheated and the trouble starts.

“Institution is not at the fault. It’s the personnel.”

Many times our desires stem from the suggestive inferences that possessing or achieving something or someone will give us happiness. Just do a small exercise. Just close your eyes as question just one of your desire like “I want a promotion”. See the answer.

See this song to see how desires are subject to time and stage of life....thoda hai thodeki .....from khatta meetha


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