Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sita Agnipariksha


And if it is so, why did he doubt Sita?

In the first place, he never for once doubted Sita. Like today’s husbands who trust with only DNA reports, he didn’t need any proof to trust his Sita. He knew her. They were Ideal partners – each living in each other only!

 Sita giving agni-pariksha

But unfortunately for him and her and fortunately for Bharata Desha, he was just not a husband but also a king. And the Dharma of the king (as the Law of Dharma states) that he has to keep his people happy and satisfied. We are not talking about some official or political leader ready to sacrifice entire state to fill his coffers. These politicians benefit their kith and kin at the cost of nation. So, don’t see Rama in this scenario. He was living Dharma and in times though king was Aristocracy still followed democratic way of ruling his kingdom – where he considered his subjects his children. And in ‘shashtra’ it is written that king is first servant of his subjects and only their happiness should be paramount on his agenda and be basis of every decision. So under this circumstance, you can imagine how he would have felt compelled to clear Sita’s name before going back to Ayodhya, because he knew she would become queen once they returned to Ayodhya. So, these were the circumstances that compelled Rama to ask Sita to do “Agni Pariksha” inspite of believing her himself.  This also is a law – even in Artha Shashtra by Kauntilya its reiterated that for the welfare of a family one person can be sacrificed. For the welfare of society one family can be sacrificed, for the welfare of nation one society can be sacrificed and for the welfare of the world one nation can be sacrificed.

Under this is the “highest Ideal” based on which an individual should behave and take decisions at every point of his life. And Lord Rama lived it as an example for others to follow. Whether we can live up to it or not is not so important. We may fail thousand times. But let us accept our weakness. That much bravery we should have and exhibit. But atleast have the Ideal that’s highest. Let us aim high though unable to live up to it. It doesn’t mean we should bring down the Ideal.  And Lord Rama showed that the highest Ideal can be lived. It is just not in theory. It is practical. And there in lies the greatness of Sanatana Dharma. It just doesn’t give a list of do’s and don’ts. It is practical and livable – agreed the Ideals are the highest – but shouldn’t we aim always for the highest.


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