Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rama - a yogi king


Whereas when Rama was asked to leave Ayodhya and go in exile, without flinching an eyelid, he left. His wife followed without complaining and cribbing. "Is this the happiness you give me for marrying you? What about my rights?” you can imagine the number of arguments that ordinary woman would put forth in such circumstances.

And here was Sita, just interested in being with her husband and hence left with him to forest.

That’s Rama – the best son we are talking about – the highest Ideal as a son! As yogi who was ready to be king as was his moral responsibility as the eldest son of a king and next minute ready to leave everything and go in exile to fulfill his father’s word. That is “balance of mind”. That is being “sthithapragna” – one who is “same in praise and scorn in success and failure and in riches and poverty.” Because he lived this highest Ideal without as much as batting his eye “He is the Purushothama”.

In a era when it was acceptable for a kshtriya to take more number of wives, he vowed to be ‘ekapatnivrata’ – i.e., be wedded to only one woman. When Ashwadeha yagna (horse sacrifice) was to be performed and as per scriptures a man can only do sacrifice with his wedded wife. So, he was asked by his mother, priests, Gurus to get wedded as Sita was banished to forest by then and Rama was leading his life as that of a single. He could’ve used this excuse to take a wife and no one would have found wrong with that. But he stood his ground and did not yield to second marriage.

In contrast see men even before 10 days of his wife’s death when is persuaded for second marriage says “if that is what you people want” and agrees to marry. As if he’s doing a sacrifice for his family and children. What hypocrisy! I am not against remarriage but against all the show there people put others through and yet get “good name” and look at my Rama, inspite of having every excuse didn’t bulge and instead had Sita made of Gold and performed yagna. That is self-restraint that my Rama was capable of ! That is the Rama we are talking of!

There are lots of men who don’t marry when their wife dies. Is it the same? You decide after reading this episode of Ramayan.



Vaibhav said...

"..and look at my Rama, inspite of having every excuse didn’t bulge.."

Mam, You were saying "My Rama.." Very nice to hear that..

shows your Prema-bhakti towards Rama :)

waiting eagarly for the remaining part..

REVATHI said...

it's really heartening to see that you notice very small details that very few observe....very good..this is a mark of a sensitive person (in a positive way) keep it up....for understanding others this is a very imp attitude. all the best!

Vaibhav said...

Thank You Guruji's
Thank You Reiki
Thank You Revathi Mam
Thank You Vandana Mam

Its all your grace,guidance & Blessings because of which such transition was possible in me.

I owe all this to you all only!! :) :)

Yappiee Yappiee Ugadi to you mam & all others too!