Tuesday, March 31, 2015

On decisions



Getting better option? Till when you would like to wait? However latest cell-phone your purchase, there’s a new version round the corner. They do come with added facilities and features. But the question is what your need is and why you need that? May be you need that? May be you won’t use most of the features that ‘X’ phone can give. Then, not having the latest is actually no lose to you – if you understand it correctly.

It’s like-wise with life-partners. It’s not about getting the best man or woman. It’s about what you require. So, don’t let these factors affect your decisions.

Well, regarding failure in relationship. Well, it can happen to anyone at anytime. If Rama, Sita – the Ideal couple till date and sharing love and respect like no one could not for most part of their life be happy with each other, then forget about our life’s and its decisions. Understand that life can take any turn at any time and hence no one can predict that. And if someone claims that they do, distrust them completely and disown them for your good for ever! Yes, sometimes we can’t take certain conditions and situations after sometime, but did we know that at the start! No, no one can. But that doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t take a step. And if, I repeat if things don’t shape up as per our desire or our tolerance gives way, we can take the call as and when it happens. Why think of losing memory or a body part in an accident enroute while embarking on a journey? Do we and is it sensible?

Regarding monetary loss – well we can only work on two things – one that a decision is not based on greed. Because greed can only bring about our downfall both in character and in tangible sense.

Next to better our profit we are not bringing about others downfall.

“That’s why I don’t want to get promotion, because then my colleague wouldn’t get it maam”.

Wrong! If you want promotion, give your best to your job, do reiki for the same and be responsible to your post when you get your promotion. Promotions is given to the best eligible person (let’s not talk about favouritism etc here).  So if I repeat if you earned it because of your hardwork, eligibility, sincerity, loyalty then you is worth it. But if you bribed someone (in any form) used influence and such practices to get one, then there you are eating into other’s share and that is ‘wrong’. Inshort, if your happiness is not cause of others downfall, its good.


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