Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas 2022


Christmas 2022

On the eve of Christmas and in the spirit of Christmas let's send Reiki to Christ tomorrow 25th for 15 mts....or even today midnight would be can choose any time convenient to you....

Just light a candle and send reiki to Him....

Those who don't want to for any reason, no need to feel bad or sorry about the same....just send Reiki to Mother Earth and heal the Earth.

With covid coming back with newer strain, your healing is much needed....and to heal all was the purpose of death of the Lord Jesus after all!

# on Jesus, spirit of christianity, heal the Earth, Christmas - its true purpose, on remembering our healers, Gurus, and path bearers, spirituality, Oneness, Universality

also read previous post on the same : 

Have you met the Christ today?

Where is He?