Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter solstice - 2022


Winter solstice - 2022

From today start winter solstice.

So, let's send Reiki to Lord Sun (Sun God) for HE is the sustainer, giver of light and life to us.........

We are doing this exercise as a form of gratitude only....we already have received and are receiving from him, so we are sending Reiki to him.....only those who understand this may send Reiki to Him....

Those who are going to see it at a later date, if you feel bad about having missed it - don't! Send Reiki on the day you see this post for 15 mts. That's all!


Kshitija said...

Done sent reiki

Aparna Deshpande said...

👍🙌🙋🏻‍♀️i sent reiki 🙏🙏🙏

Swati said...

Read it today.
Have send reiki for 15mts.
The energy was strong