Monday, December 12, 2022

Reflections – on living the moment!



Reflections – on living the moment!

So what is the moral of the story here?

·      No point regretting on the other opportunities

·       We can’t live all the endless lives and decisions at the same point of time and in same life time. Knowing this, our God (Vedic philosophy) has given as scores of lives.

Peace, joy and abundance is finding joy in living what we already have or chosen over what could be.

·       Concentrate on the beauty of the present (the one present too!) Just this application in life will change the quality of your mind. This is enough to lighten you up, give you joy and leave you with energy enough to chase that you desire.

Chase away regret the moment you become aware of this.

Live the decision. Live the life. Life is in NOW! If you lose it in regret, then yours would roll out and you’ll be left with only regrets at the end of the day.

So, to commemorate or seal our understanding let’s do this exercise for next 3 days. Let’s just watch Sunset or sky for ½ an hour. And yes, we have done it previously too – but still let’s pick up this activity.

And do get back with your experiences – if any….

And yes, you can involve your family and friends too in this activity – though they may not be Reiki channels – just remember not to be talking while doing this activity…..



# living in the moment, mindfulness, awareness, beingness, now and here, life is in the present, Il dolce far niente, life, present moment, 

further on this topic: 

There will be other posts also in line with this may resonate with them. If you come across them do mention the same and help others also in connecting with older blog posts.....

Please note: As ever I repeat and suggest you read the topic in one go at the end of it. Do it every single time the topic runs for more than one post/day. You will need just about 10mts max. But the benefit you'll receive will be by way of understanding the topic. Only when you understand right will you be able to apply it right. Only when you apply it right will you benefit in your life.

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1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Today I re-read the entire post and I got my answer . Each day I wake up with tension I need to do this I need to do that . But after reading this post I am able to catch my self now . I asked myself what do I want to do. How to proceed with my day ?
Thank you 🙏