Thursday, December 1, 2022

Me, my guru – on persistence to do right!


Me, my guru – on persistence to do right!

“Guruji, why do you keep repeatedly saying the same thing over and over again? People are not going to understand. They are adamant” said Rahul to which Aziz added “No, they are stupid,” said Aziz.

Rahul smiled, nodded, and continued “They won’t take what you want to offer them,” said Rahul with lots of pain. He was one such rare student who didn’t come seeking or demanding anything from our Guru. For him just coming to ‘this place was enough of a return. He never talked or complained about his life. All his pain and suffering were centered around our Guru. He felt bad that others didn’t understand her teachings.  He was angry that they didn’t even try applying them. He was frustrated that our Guru didn’t receive her worth, whether in kind or in cash. He was disappointed that she wasn’t valued enough. These really were a rare kind. 

I knew their pain, yet I never crossed the line that separated them from me – like all other students. 


# on persistence, on quitting, on going on with good deeds, giving and receiving, 

also read previous post on this topic :

Questions answered:

  • What is the benefit of giving 100% to our job?
  • Why give more to our job when we are not paid enough or appreciated enough?
  • Ask yourself one question "How do you feel when others don't perform well in their jobs (those that relate with you)?"
  • Now ask the next question "So, I want others to give more than what I pay them but when it comes to myself I will follow different values?"
Points to be noticed:
  • We are adept at judging others and their way of working - if yes, therein lies the bottleneck that stops us from expressing our potential to the fullest!
  • The ones who are successful, happy, peaceful, and living 'right' are the ones who give 100% to every job that they undertake or they are assigned - irrespective of what they get in return.
  • Every time we practice 'excellence' we are building our strength in character. 
  • The purpose of every act in our life is to help us express ourselves the way we want to be. The purpose of every situation in our life is to let us develop greater character. 
  • More strong the character, the more is our strength. more is our strength less is our fear!

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