Thursday, December 8, 2022

Me, my Guru – on perception


Me, my Guru – on perception

If you are Rama, you’ll be having brothers like Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugn. Will be one married to spouse who is untempted(I don't think there is one such word, chalo I donate this word to English language)  by any levels of material riches. She’ll be faithful to you. You’ll be blessed with followers like Hanuman. But, if the asura in you is fanned then you’ll be surrounded by brothers Vibhishina who will desert you. That is, if your brother or sisters are good ones, they’ll leave you when you are wrong. Or if they are not the good ones and just like you, then they’ll bring about your downfall like Surpanaka. You’ll be tempted to choose riches over relationships like Ravana selected riches over Kubera, his brother. And what a downfall he had!

Even in ordinary situations, choosing to see good will develop gratitude, clarity of thought, humility and opportunity in every situation. We’ll experience love, affection and happiness in life.

But the more we tend to look at flaws and shortcomings, the more cynical, bitter and suspicious we become! And, I don’t need to tell you how these qualities impair our judgement, decision-making, state of mind, peace of mind and happiness!

The one who has taken a clue from Yudhishtra will see opportunity in every problem. And the one who follows Duryodhan will end up seeing the problem in every opportunity.

One regrets life. One celebrates life. One yearns for affection, and love, the other earns it. One drives people away from his life, and the other attracts all towards himself. 

*untempted - meaning who is not tempted....


# on perception, point of view, seeing good in others, Buddha and buddhu, you are what you see, outer world reflection of inner world

also read previous post on this topic for added clarity: 


Questions addressed and points to ponder:

  • Why do I have such a family /friends circle?
  • Bad part of the story is that we are responsible for having the kind of family that we have in life. The good part of that story is we can make a difference in our equation with same when we change for better. We can also go for healing the same with various techniques.
  • What we are given is part of our karma. What we do with it reflects our attitude and that is in present. Depending on how we deal with situations will decide our future!
Time for some homework:

Pick up a relationship that is the most difficult one in your life. Heal that one for next three - 3 days.

Any one having experience with emotional healing even in the past can get back with their experiences....

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