Friday, December 16, 2022

Me, my Guru – Full moon and the monk!



Me, my Guru – Full moon and the monk!

Because you are NOT following Guru’s words, you are following ‘The Eternal Law’ that your Guru understands and asks you to follow.

But, at the same time, one who still is in contact with his Guru at all times – well, he is blessed, over time, his ignorance is absorbed by his Guru’s presence by and by and he and his life are transformed forever!

But, the one who sends his Guru or goes away from his Guru with anger or displeasure closes the doors of mercy, grace, compassion, light, and love on himself! Beware, beware of this one sin that is so casually committed by all. This one slip can cost us dearly. Be alert to this sin. NEVER EVER fall for this! If done already, correct it immediately by going back to your Guru – seeking his forgiveness – forgiveness which is sought should be heart felt and just not empty words}


# Me, my guru, Full moon and the monk, Enlightenment, story about realization, just being, beingness, awareness, mindfulness, present in the moment, realisation, moksha, freedom, everything happens for good, situation is neither good nor bad,

read previous posts to know further on this topic: 

What are the topics covered in this post:

  • It is the story of a monk who gets Enlightened on the full moon night. This is set in Me, my Guru format.
  • This story clearly explains how one gets enlightened, moksha, realized, free from all karma.
  • We realize how our karmas are completely burned..
  • We are explained how no situation is independently good or bad. This also explains how every situation can be made beneficial if only we have the presence of mind, and calmness of mind and if and only if we let go of our adamant nature of wanting things to go our way and instead flow with the flow of life.
  • Life pushes us and leads us to our greatest good. We with our adamant nature and conditioned mind throw it away and demand lesser-known goodies that are actually painful and harmful for us.
  • The fools work to heal the situation and suffer the situation. The sensible are those who accept the situation and make the best of any situation. This they get by working on their mind, emotions, and intellect every single day of their life. They are working on themselves instead of working on the situations.
Please Note : 
I have decided on an activity for our this week's homework - Spring cleaning.....i have posted the same today....but since you will lose the continuity of the topic "full moon and the monk" i rechanged the dates and time of the previous post.....
so READ the post of Spring cleaning without fail......