Monday, July 4, 2022

Clarification on Restful living

Clarification on Restful living 

Please note that we being "Aware" even if it be for just 1-2 minutes is enough for this exercise.

Awareness doesn't mean that you are without any thoughts!

Awareness just means you are 'Aware" that you HAVE thoughts. Being AWARE that you HAVE thoughts is also "Awareness".

Just don't judge your thoughts.

Don't fight your thoughts,

Don't participate in and with your thoughts.

Just looking at them is also "doing this sadhan". Just being with your thoughts also means you ARE Aware....

So relax, on that ground and just do this sadhan....just be with it as many times as possible per day....

Be aware of what you are doing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking....all this is good enough....

Those of you who are thinking they are not able to do this because of thoughts - don't think just being aware that you have thoughts is good enough 'awareness' - so just be with it....

even if you are angry with someone, you being angry with them is good enough for this exercise. just keep looking at the anger that's need to stop it, no need to fight it, don't justify your anger - just be with your anger even that is good....

Similarly, you can be with any thought or emotion....


Swati said...

Thank you mam for the clarification.
I am aware of the feelings and emotions. Also knowing which area I have to address.
Receiving reiki on my third eye chakra. Thank you very much for sending reiki when I require most to stay positive now.
Unable to get time to work much on the attitudes. Receiving reiki from you is boon.
Thank you so much

Kshitija said...

Thank you today I was observing my thoughts and I was having worry about something that might happen there is no guarantee it would happen .
This post has given me strength. I was observing the thought and after reading the post I realised I am going on a ride of wrong belief system and making a sinner of myself there by generating anger . Then I did my rebirth with anger and feeling much better .