Friday, July 15, 2022

Reflections – on cleaning – 1


Reflections – on cleaning – 1

One Reiki channel talked to me. She said that she had cleaned her office that day. She looked at the boxes – 35 in total which were kept on the uppermost rack. She had time today, so she decided to clean the ‘long pending’ rack.

To her surprise she found all those boxes to be empty. They were unnecessarily kept there all these years. They were taking all the space ‘that was so much needed’ in that office. And also to her surprise and relief she found that there was more than ‘enough’ of items required so much in that office. They couldn’t buy it because of budget deficiency and yet the dearth of these items was slowing down their work. They had to do with the limited number of these items. And all these days there was this ‘pile of required items’ right under their nose and they had unnecessarily struggling for ‘want of these things’.

All boxes were thrown away. All items were washed and kept ready to be used by all in that office. Now they all could work effortlessly and easily.

The office desk and the entire space looked clean and tidy. All who entered were immediately happy to see the ‘clean space’. All rejoiced over the items ‘found’. All celebrated the ‘abundance’ that was right under their nose.

And to think that our Reiki channel had joined that office just couple of years ago. All others had been in that office since a decade and more!!!

Now what am I talking about? Am I gossiping about a Reiki channel’s life? Are we here to discuss someone’s office space? What am I saying here? Why is this talk relevant to us? How is it useful to us? How are we to put it to good use – if at all it has any value?


# cleaning, healing self, on choices, mundane routine of life, miracles, little nothings of life, abundance

also read suggested : 


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