Thursday, July 21, 2022

Reflections- On Cleaning – 2



Reflections- On Cleaning – 2

It was clean as slate. I beamed. Now that cleaned corner inspired me to do more cleaning. I went to my other balcony where I had my plants. It was mess with plant mulch etc. first, I loosened up soil in all the pots. This caused more sand to fall on the floor. I was glad. It was good. Now, I can clean all in one go. Then I cut old and dead leaves and branches. I trimmed the plants. Good again! Now, I put the trimmed mulch in various pots and covered with soil. I was glad of my work. Then I saw ‘ash’ from my daily homam handing in the cover. Time to put manure to the plants. I put ash in all the plants. This too was long pending!!

Next, I had to sweep and wash the balcony. It being very small and with multiple small pots, it actually is a very laborious job than otherwise. But, I was in a zone! I tucked my saree to let the Universe know that I am on war footing today. Yes, cleaning is a job of a soldier. I swept, washed the floor.

Now, the balcony was as new as a bride – gleaming and shining! I loved this part the most of any cleaning, where I just looked at the area cleaned and grinned as an Olympic Champion. Each unto his own! My little jobs were equally daunting and equally satisfying to me! I felt relieved of so much of ‘nagging’ from my head! I felt light! It wasn’t outside cleaning that I had done. I had cleaned my inner clutter. The inner voice that kept pestering me, belittling me, demeaning me stopped. I felt I had won over this little vicious ‘me’ within me! I had won one more battle against myself!


# outer world reflection of inner world, on cleaning, cleanliness and happiness, abundance, attitude, little nothings of life, mundane routines of life, spirituality in day-to-day life activities, perception, awareness, mindfulness,

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Points from the post :

"It was clean as slate. I beamed. Now that cleaned corner inspired me to do more cleaning." - Cleanliness by itself gives us joy. And once we start cleaning, even little patch that is cleaned will inspire and motivate us to clean the other areas of house.

Same is the case with Self. Once we become aware of our qualities that is not up to the mark, we start working on them and find that if we decide we CAN and we DO overcome our weaknesses. Even little progress is enough to inspire us to be walking this path with more dedication, vigour and commitment. 

" I felt I had won over this little vicious ‘me’ within me! I had won one more battle against myself " - Every time we overcome our old habit of living in pain and giving pain, we have won a battle over ourselves. Trust me this is the most satisfying war ever fought. It is the ONLY war worth fighting. We can never feel 'confident of ourselves' till we have overcome that 'nagging voice' within ourselves. We need to lift ourselves in our own eyes. This is not for someone else. This is not even for heaven or hell's sake. NO! This is not to please some God or Guru. This is to earn respect in our own eyes. 

This is the battle we fight with ourselves to win over ourselves to gain appreciation from ourselves. Such a joke!

Just think about it!

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