Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Indian Mythology - Advaitha

Indian Mythology – Shiva, Vishnu and Advaitha – Me, My Guru

Today we didn’t have any class nor did we have any sessions (of talks etc) here. But when Rahul called me at night to remind that we were meeting at her place, I was bit doubtful about my coming here. Not that I had anything great or important planned up for the day but because of the fact that today all that we would do was clean up her place – though most of other students called it ‘our place’. Yes, once in 3mths or so some of us would come around 8.30am and stay till 4pm and do cleaning at ‘our place’. No, this was never suggested by her. No one knew how this tradition started or when, but most of us kept it going. She never participated in it. In fact, most of the time, she wasn’t even at home. Even if she was she wouldn’t come out to meet us or oversee our work. Either way, we didn’t enter her inner chambers or home. We maintained our distance and kept to kitchen, hall and the reiki room. We cleaned just this space and the garden are. That’s all! If we completed cleaning early, we would sing bhajan sometimes. For other days, we kept chanting and nama sakeetana that of chanting some ‘Divine name’ say like “Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna” for an hour or so.

We brought lunch from outside for all and we shared it with one and all! Tea was the only thing for which we used her kitchen. This was more or less the routine of such days! Usually, people attending such sessions were regulars and limited to not more than 15. I entered the premises a bit reluctantly at 10am. All were engrossed in various activities. No one was going to question me on my late arrival. It was like they had come to accept this nature of mine! At the same time, no one except me came late. They were very sincere even during such sessions. They didn’t do it ‘as chaltha hai’ ritual. They were sincerely doing service and at the same time never made huge cry of the same. I always wondered at this quality of theirs. It even irritated me a bit. Honestly, I mean how could they do this year after year without getting bored? Where did their sincerity come from? And why did I never felt it?

I was aimlessly moving from one person to another, engaging in some small talk with them. This way they thought I was part of the whole commotion and I had contributed my bit in this ‘service act’ and I got my ‘rest’ that I longed after a hectic week-day routine. It was then that Vishnuvardhan came and took me aside and sat down with me. He was one of our groups who contributed only his ‘silent presence’. He rarely talked but when he did, everyone knew that he had been absorbing all the while when he was silent.

“I know your heart’s not in cleaning. So instead of whiling away time, read this. I made this copy especially for you. I know as everyone here that you take notes of everything that she says. The other day you left mid-way and you missed most beautiful and meaningful part of her explanation on that subject. I knew it must’ve been something very important for you to have left so abruptly so, take this and read it”.

He knew that I didn’t like cleaning and yet wasn’t judging me on that! Wow! Did others also know this and yet never mentioned about it or make an issue of it? Surprising! Who are these people who made up my group?


(Read related posts once again to refresh the memory and the link for the above topic :


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."