Wednesday, February 22, 2017

on feedbacks etc.....


Does the same thing apply to my opinions too?

Yes, if they are my opinions. But if they are ‘laws of Universe’ that I am talking about, then also you can damn well disagree – but don’t stick to your thought with blind commitment just because it is yours. You don’t lose yourself or your self esteem if you are agreeing to what I am saying or explaining. 

Then do you have to blindly accept what I say?

You can’t even if I order you to. That’s how our nature is made. When God’s word is not taken blindly by us, how can we take some other mortal’s words over ours blindly? Not possible!

Then what do we do here........?

Just listen! Yes – just not hearing the sound, but hear to listen! Don’t listen to agree but just listen. Don’t listen to contradict me, but just listen.

Listen to what I have got to say.

And I am sure it is easier to do as you say and believe that you’ve faith in me and my word! Listen, not to accept it blindly or follow blindly – which is difficult for any sane mind to do – so just listen with an open mind. If your thoughts were in conjecture with mine, where was the need for me to be in your life? Think about it!

Here, I am not a religious or a political head wanting some ‘blind followers’ – so you are off that mark for sure! I am not a ‘cult figure’ asking you to propagate our culture so that we can start branches all over the world! No, I am not in that race too – so you are free by that account too! have you seen any of my students pleading people in malls and bazaars to attend week-end classes and singing my praises? No – never! 

So, you are not here to be one of the crowd rattling the words common to all like ‘Love all’, ‘smile and enjoy’ etc. You are here to know yourself at your pace and within your comfort level. And revelation of self always means ‘a jolt to our present way of thinking’. And I am just playing that part. But doing that just for the sake of it would mean senseless blabber at my end. If that is the case, then you can conveniently forget what I am saying, better you leave me – the day it happens. But, now any law that I state is based on ‘Universal and Eternal Truths’ which can’t be mended to suit my fancy. Yes, they are done so by some cults and religious heads to fulfill their agenda, but as we already have seen that I am not having any such agenda, I need into and don’t do that. But, still these laws will be something beyond our levels of understanding and acceptance till we grow to that level of understanding. Yes, we all need to go through this teething, be with it. I know it’s frustrating and anger stems from every pore as we presume ‘no one understands me’ as our opinions are not accepted and counter argued by the person whom we seek guidance from. These laws are just so. We can’t keep arguing about them or judge them. We can only understand them completely and learn to apply them in our lives. For example, fire is hot and water is cold. Why is it so? “It would be so safe if fire wasn’t having ‘burning’ quality” – This statement does certainly have an argument and from certain angle also seems valid but yet nothing can be done about it. It is so! That’s all! Fire is hot and water is cold and it extinguishes fire. 



Unknown said...


Kshitija said...

U have nailed every line of it . Each and every line means it after listening it feels very simple while implementing every bit of me questions why u have promised to go on that path then why are u going back to ur earlier nature
Yes it is frustrating depressing irritating because every time there some thing to tempt I know many a times after this phase the end result is lovely it takes me closer to my self it makes me look in to my eyes and speak to myself see I have got on this step
I don't know if I am clear but what u said is 100% true

Kshitija said...

I.e I ment about my explanation of
My experience but what u said is 100% true

Vaibhav said...

Agreed mam.. Totally with you now..
But This time not just because you are saying but because you are explaining us to listen...