Saturday, February 11, 2017

Indian Mythology - Advaitha


If a name of a person can’t describe him, do you think God, the creator can be fitted into a name or a form? Yet, because we need to feel close to Him, get to love Him, talk about Him and hence need a name for the same. And each bhaktha (devotee)  has come up with a name that describes one or few of this quality.

Like Shiva means one that is auspicious and

Paramatma means Param Atma or that Atma which is the Ultimate of all Atmans i.e., a Oversoul. It is not the only ‘Name’ of the God. It can’t be the only name of the God. He is he, whatever be the name with which I address him.

I may say pani in hindi, neelu in telugu, water in English and l’eau in French. Yet it is the same water we all are talking about, it is the same one that we are drinking. ‘It sounds more romantic in French, so it tastes better’ Can anyone say that? They can, ignorant that we are but would it be right? Similarly, the ‘Tatvam’  (essence) doesn’t change because of the name with which it is addressed. The essence as long as is same, it is ONE. ‘Advitiyam Brahma’ – He is one without the Second. He is not called as ‘He is ONLY ONE’ in Vedic Philosophy. Because, if He is One, someone else will come as second and third and so forth. ONLY in Vedic Philosophy and in our Upanishads, we find this great declaration “Advitiyam Brahman” – He is one without the second. He is only there and nothing exists apart from Him. There is no second to Him. Meaning He is All That Is and He encompasses all! He is “Second to none” – because there is nothing apart from Him.

No where in Upanishads you find a statement saying “He is the Only God that should be paid homage to and all others who do so to other Gods are considered as sinners because other Gods are Satan”.

s- “All that is OK, but who is greatest of All?”

S – “Ekam sat vipratha bahuda vidhanthi” meaning “He that is one, Sages call Him by different names”.

The “Narayana Suktam” speaks of it as “Antah bahih ca tataq sarvam vyapa narayana sthitah” meaning “He stands enveloping everything from inside and outside”. This is the Ultimatae of Vedic Philosophy. He is in the Everything. He lives and functions in everything and through everything. He is the transcendent – immanent Reality. He is all of this Universe and more”.

Why? Becasue, “The Whole is larger than all the parts put together”.

s- “But, if He is all of Universe, what does more than that mean? What is this “Whole being larger than all its parts?” If 2 + 3 =3, then 3 = both 2 & 1, but it can’t be more than 3 which is actually 2 and 1 put together, right?”

S – “We’ll go back to previous example that I’ve given – of me. I am “girl + friend + daughter
+ sibling + spouse + mother + Guru”. Is that right? But am I just that much? No. Certainly not! I am just not all the roles put together. I am more than these roles that I play. I am also a bundle of emotions, feelings, set of ideas, likes and dislikes, talents, achievements, my written and said word – anything else?”

“Yes. You are also compilation of your stories and thoughts”.

“True! And I am also all that I haven’t been yet, said yet, felt it or worded it. So I am also all the possibility that I can be and haven’t been yet.....

Likewise, He is all That Is and more!

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